SGA launches Copper bullet Survey for forestry workers

The Scottish Gamekeepers Association (SGA) has launched a Survey on the use of Copper bullets in forestry, with lead ammunition facing a potential three year phase out.

In December 2024, the UK Health and Safety Executive published its position that lead ammunition should be phased out in the UK in 3 years, following two consultations. 

Read their statement, here:

It is now up to the UK, Scottish and Welsh Governments to decide whether to act on the Executive’s recommendations in full, or make other provisions.

The SGA has heard comments from its members who work in forestry at night that they have concerns about switching fully to copper ammunition, in these circumstances.

On the back of this, the SGA is launching a 1 MINUTE anonymous Survey aimed at gathering more views from all individuals who are working in forestry in Scotland, either as a self-employed deer management contractors or employed forestry wildlife rangers.

The survey is specific to this group and data gathered will be used to help the SGA make accurate presentations to Scottish Government on the future of lead and non-lead ammunition.

Respondents do NOT need to be SGA members to take the Survey and are being asked to respond by the DEADLINE of January 31st, 2025.

How to complete the Survey:

Click here:

Use the QR Code:

Complete here:


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