Country sports make a significant contribution to the Scottish economy. According to PACEC (2014) ⅰ over £200 million is generated from sporting shooting, in addition, wild fisheries contribute £79.9 million to the economy (PACEC, 2017) ⅱ
The fragile rural economy also reaps the benefits; the commissioned report, the Socio-economic impacts of moorland activities in Scotland ⅲ revealed the level of local spend by grouse shooting and deer stalking was higher than that of forestry and woodland creation.
The study also found driven grouse shooting was an important employer and contributed to maintaining local populations and communities.
At the forefront of the country sports industry are professional men and women employed as gamekeepers, deer-stalkers, ghillies and wildlife managers. Their local knowledge and extensive skill-set provide a vital resource as ecosystem service enablers, safeguarding Scotland’s natural capital and providing wider economic benefits to the population.
Currently, this important industry supports over 4400 direct full-time jobs and 13,100 Full-time-equivalents, more jobs than NatureScot and the principal Scottish environment NGOs combined, with a total of 2817 jobs #YofE2022.
These local jobs with local spend which support the rural economy and communities also contribute towards a low carbon footprint and the green economy providing food security.
Our members work to safeguard Scotland’s natural capital, central to a net zero economy.
Significant economic benefits delivered by Scotland's rural workforce mainstream across many Scottish policies.
ⅰ. PACEC (2014) The value of shooting. The economic, environmental and social contribution of shooting sports to the UK
ⅱ. PACEC (2017) on behalf of Marine Scotland: An Analysis of the Value of Wild Fisheries in Scotland Final Report.
ⅲ. McMorran, R., Thomson S. and Glass, J. (2020). Socio-economic impacts of moorland activities in Scotland. Part 1 - Research to assess socioeconomic and biodiversity of driven grouse moors and to understand the rights of gamekeepers: Commissioned report to the Scottish Government.