
Summary of insurance and helpline services provided with SGA membership.

SGA Membership includes 3rd Party Public Liability insurance and helpline facilities. These are described here.

Core 3rd Party Public Liability – recreational cover. The core 3rd Party Public Liability insurance provided with your membership covers you for up to a Limit of Indemnity of £10,000,000 any one occurrence for taking part in recreational country sports activity as endorsed by the SGA

For recreational purposes only, including member to member liability, and comes as standard cover with your membership package.
Activities endorsed by the SGA are: Rough shooting, Walked-up shooting, Driven shooting, Wildfowling, Deer stalking, Vermin and Pest control, Clay pigeon shooting including competitions, Fishing including ghillieing, Field Trials Target shooting including competitions, Hawk/Falconry, Gun dog handling including competitive gun dog trials / tests, and any such similar Gamekeeping and Country Sports activities: Any of the above whilst on holiday for which each member has been approved by underwriters

Any social or fundraising event organized by or on behalf of the SGA for which the SGA has given approval.

This 3rd Party Public Liability cover also allows non-professional stalkers, ghillies and gamekeepers who may derive a gain, whether gift or monetary, of up to a maximum of £5,000 a year in return for part-time keepering, deer management, and pest & vermin control activities.

Self-employed cover: For members who are either self-employed, sole-traders or running a business focused on keepering, deer management or pest & vermin control, Lycetts provide a specialist tailor-made Self-Employed Gamekeepers business liability policy through their Cliverton office.

Please be aware that if you earn more than £5,000 per annum from such activities, which includes carcass sales, you will require one of these policies. Lycetts can also offer members a range of other insurance covers such as for shoot operators and syndicates.


To view our Frequently Asked Questions about SGA Insurance - click here

If you would like further details about these then please contact us in the Office and we will provide you with Lycetts’ details.

All claims or incidents which may give rise to a claim must be notified to us as soon as possible and in any instance, no later than 30 days after the incident date. This is a strict condition of the insurance policy and failure to comply can invalidate your cover.

Legal Helpline: If you do require advice with regard to anything legal the best thing is to get in touch the SGA office or direct with our legal advisers, Levy & McRae.

Contact details are shown below: SGA office 01738 587 515 David McKie, Partner, Levy & McRae – direct line 0141 307 2323, mobile 07711 302 100, e-mail Or Callum Anderson, Solicitor, Levy & McRae – direct line 0141 307 2315, mobile 07779 622 654, e-mail Lycetts is a trading name of Lycett, Browne-Swinburne & Douglass Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Cliverton is a trading name of Lycett, Browne-Swinburne & Douglass Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.

SGA company articles of association containing constitution: We have included a Constitution section on this web site which shows the revised articles of association for the SGA following the change in status to Limited company.

This has not changed the management of the SGA, which continues to be based on the work of a central committee, whose members are appointed from regional groups. To see the Constitution, click here

If you would like to join or renew your membership to The Scottish Gamekeepers Association, click here

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