Food Facts

Scotland is renowned globally for its landscape, heritage and traditions which yield a healthy, natural and sustainable larder revered by many.

Habitat management, game rearing expertise and accredited butchery skills provided by a competent rural workforce, enable a valuable and local food source to be brought from hill to table.

If adequate larder and processing facilities were more readily available throughout Scotland, as highlighted in the SGA Deer Vision, the 10 years ahead, this healthy low carbon food source, could be utilised more effectively contributing further to the local circular economy and safeguarding food security.

Leading chefs Nick Nairn and Tom Kitchin regularly espouse the benefits of game:

Nick Nairn: Grouse is a sustainable and delicious food that Scotland leads the way on and I encourage as many restaurants and customers to cook with grouse as often as possible during the season

Tom Kitchin: Many people still see venison as a dish for special occasions, or one they select when they visit restaurants, but actually it’s great to enjoy at home. It’s not only low in fat, it’s also higher in polyunsaturated fats than other meats, which is largely due to the Scottish deer’s diet of grass and vegetation rather than high-energy cereals

Game, produced and processed by the rural workforce satisfies many of the aims within Scottish Government and international policy:

The Scottish Government wants food to be a key part of what makes the people of Scotland proud of their country - food which is both tasty to eat and nutritious, fresh and environmentally sustainable ⅲ

Food Facts

Image Credit: EatWild

ⅲ. Scottish Government. 2014. Recipe for Success: Scotland’s National Food & Drink Policy Becoming a Good Food Nation.

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