Magazine delay

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Members may now be wondering where the Summer edition of Scottish Gamekeeper is. 

Well, it's a bit of a story...

Suffice to say, the magazine will be one month late as a result of a spreadsheet error which contained a wrong date.

As a result, despite the editor having signed off all articles at the end of May, the magazine itself will not be printed and posted until July.

Errors happen and, having moved over to a new design team and new ways of working, people are still feeling their way around.

Frustratingly, some time sensitive articles will be beyond their deadline when members receive the magazine.

We can only explain and apologise for this unforeseen situation. Despite this, we are sure members will still enjoy the Summer issue, when it finally arrives.

And... like waiting for buses, you will be getting 2 magazines in relatively short order, with the next one due just weeks later. 

Once again, apologies. These teething issues will be ironed out so there is no repeat.

Signed, the Editor.


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