We urge Scottish Government to drop this proposal immediately
What are DMNROs? See:
The SGA considers DMNROs to be unnecessary and divisive. The SGA considers that DMNROs are likely to prove illegal
If introduced, the SGA will support any of its members impacted by DMNROs, against their will
It was recently announced that Scottish Government intends to provide some funding for deer management pilot schemes and venison. Whilst the SGA welcomes much needed investment, it feels sums should be solely focused in the lowlands, with a scheme introduced into the heart of the industrialised central belt, as a priority
Deer numbers and impacts are high in these areas. There is a plentiful supply of under-utilised, trained recreational deer managers (circa 2000), who could be managing more deer- with Government support. Siting a new deer larder/processing facility strategically, in this geographic, high population heartland, will have the greatest impact and through-put, per public spend
The area has suffered from lack of attention for decades, when it comes to deer management. This is no longer sustainable and should now be classed as a government priority.
The SGA was advocating for a central belt pilot scheme back in 2019, see our Deer Vision: https://www.scottishgamekeepers.co.uk/pdfs/SGA-Deer-Vision-Booklet.pdf
The SGA rejects proposed changes to the female deer seasons and is open to discussion with Scottish Government on season start and end points, taking into account the welfare of the animal and the mental welfare of the professional undertaking humane culling in Scotland, see: https://www.scottishgamekeepers.co.uk/latest-news/2024/2024-04-29-drop-the-female-deer-season-change.php
Charity, Gamkeepers’ Welfare Trust, supports us on this issue, sharing our concern for the mental wellbeing of deer management professionals, having to cull and gralloch heavily pregnant deer for the food chain