The SGA wishes to notify members that, due to both unfortunate and unforeseen circumstances, two important fundraising events will not go ahead as planned in 2023.
Neither the SGA Rifle Shoot or the popular Clay Shoot at Findrack will be able to proceed.
Iain Semple, SGA Committee Member and Organiser of the Rifle shoot explained:
“I’m sorry to have to announce that the SGA rifle shoot will not go ahead as
planned this year. I’m still recovering from reattachment of ligaments on both legs and, although walking with the aid of crutches, will not be able to drive by the
time of the event. The event should resume in 2024. My sincerest apologies. I hope to be fit enough to resume next year.”
We all continue to wish Iain the very best on the long road to recovery.
In addition to this, the Clay Shoot at Findrack- organised so well for so many years by Steve Harmson- won’t go ahead this year as there are changes happening to the venue which will prohibit competition.
As well as being great ( and much enjoyed ) events, the loss of both will also have an impact on SGA resources.
The SGA Committee, therefore, would be highly appreciative if any members wish to help the SGA by organising events or fundraisers in their area. If you would like help in doing so, please contact the SGA office.
All funds and donations are gratefully received and go a long way to ensuring the organisation can continue to represent members across the breadth of its activities.