Sweden will oppose EU lead shot ban

Sweden will oppose any EU lead shot ban.

News sources in Sweden are reporting that the country will move to reject any EU proposal to fully ban lead ammunition.

A ban on using lead shot over wetlands has already gone through amongst member states, following a ruling in February.

However, Sweden intends to veto any proposal to go further and ban all lead ammunition use, saying current measures are already restrictive enough.

The country’s Rural Affairs Minister and Environment Minister have made Sweden’s position clear ahead of any new discussions.

They cite arguments from hunters regarding shot safety and animal welfare, with lead alternatives failing to kill animals cleanly in comparison to lead.

They also believe ricochet from some non-lead ballistics could endanger public safety. 

These arguments have also been cited as important by SGA members in wildlife control, with the SGA responding to the UK proposals by calling for UK-based science and a proper impact assessment before any moves to enact a complete ban in this country.

Sweden’s stance echoes that of Norway who reintroduced lead shot ten years after initially banning it. 

Animal welfare was at the heart of that policy reversal as was the lack of evidence on the environmental or health impacts of lead shot alternatives.

You can read the SGA’s response to the most recent UK lead shot proposals, here: https://www.scottishgamekeepers.co.uk/latest-news/2022/2022-11-07-scottish-gamekeepers-oppose-lead-shot-ban.php


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