Media review: coverage of Assynt's 'gratuitous' deer culls


Media review
The Herald

Here’s how the media picked up on the story about the out-of-season deer culls by John Muir Trust in Assynt which have been described by local crofters as ‘gratuitous killing’.


In the articles, permed from Press Association coverage, John Muir Trust hinted that some estates pursued a ‘narrow focus on sport shooting’ which the charity considered to be ‘environmentally damaging.’


It is worth remembering the videos from yesterday’s article (one can be viewed below), which demonstrated the extent of regeneration across neighbouring estates which has been achieved by collaborative deer management, to agreed cull targets - something John Muir Trust has walked away from and has refused to entertain.



You can review yesterday’s article, here, and watch the 5 videos.


Here, also, is a reminder of the 12-15 trees justifying the John Muir Trust cull. The woodland, described by them as ‘fragments of Scotland’s Atlantic rain forest’, amounts to a scattering which is only 20m by 10m in size. 


Media Coverage:

The Scotsman

London Standard:




UK Daily News:


Belfast Telegraph:


Press and Journal:


The Times
The Times
The Telegraph
The Telegraph
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