
Defra - Avian Influenza Latest Situation - 18 November 2021

New Case – Premises near Willington, South Derbyshire, Derbyshire, England

  • Avian influenza H5N1 has been confirmed in birds at a premises near Willington, South Derbyshire, Derbyshire.
  • Further testing is underway to confirm the pathogenicity of the strain.
  • 3km and 10km Temporary Control Zones have been put in place surrounding the premises (in force from 21.30 on 17 November 2021).

Update - Premises near Kirkham, Fylde, Lancashire, England

  • Further testing has now confirmed this as a highly pathogenic strain (HPAI H5N1).
  • Following confirmation of the pathogenicity the 3km and 10km temporary control zones put in place on the 16 November 2021 have been revoked and replaced by a 3km Protection Zone and 10km Surveillance Zone surrounding the premises (in force from 21.30 on 17 November 2021).

Keepers can check where disease control zones are located and if they are in zone on the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) interactive map.

For further information on these cases and details of the measures that apply in the disease control zones surrounding the premises see https://www.gov.uk/guidance/avian-influenza-bird-flu-cases-and-disease-control-zones-in-england

Outbreak Case Summary

In summary, since the first case confirmed in this outbreak on the 26 October 2021, nine cases of avian influenza have been confirmed in GB:

  • 7 are in England: 6 cases of HPAI H5N1 and 1 case of H5N1 (pathogenicity pending)
  • 1 is in Scotland: 1 case of HPAI H5N1
  • 1 is in Wales: 1 case of HPAI H5N1
  • No cases have been confirmed in Northern Ireland.

Bird keepers are reminded that an Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) has been declared across Great Britain effective from 5pm on 3 November 2021.

High standards of biosecurity must be maintained as good practice for the health of your birds, and that good biosecurity is an essential defence against diseases such as avian influenza and is key to limiting the spread of avian influenza in an outbreak.

Keepers must keep a close watch on their birds for any signs of disease, and seek prompt advice from a vet if they have any concerns. Clinical signs indicative of avian influenza must be reported in England to Defra Rural Services Helpline on 03000 200 301. In Wales, contact 0300 303 8268. In Scotland, contact to the local Field Services Office. Failure to do so is an offence.

Biosecurity guidance and information on the latest avian influenza situation are available at:

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