
#RWP21 - The 5 ASKS

On behalf of all those who are standing up, on river and land, for a new politics for rural workers in Scotland, here are the 5 initial asks of Scottish Government. Thanks to you all from The Scottish Gamekeepers Association and Scotland's regional moorland groups. Unite on Land and River.

The 5 ASKS

#RWP21- The 5 Asks

  • That Scottish Government backs the establishment of a cross-party group to hear rural workers’ concerns, first-hand.
  • That Scottish Government affords equal weight in law making to local and indigenous knowledge, respecting its own (missed) Target in Point 18 of the Challenge for Scotland’s Biodiversity.
    The 5 ASKS
  • That Scottish Government commits to a robust and open auditing of publicly-funded conservation projects, ensuring measurable returns for tax payers. If targets are not met- the cash returns to Scottish people.
  • That Scottish Government commits to a review of Access so that the positive freedoms are matched with similar responsibilities. The Scottish Outdoor Access Code should become part of the school curriculum.
    The 5 ASKS
  • That Scottish Government addresses the clear findings of 2 Parliamentary inquiries into salmon farming and delivers a public timeline for actions.
Stoney Creek
Stoney Creek
For Farmers the total feed business

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