As the nation takes unprecedented measures to limit the spread of Coronavirus, we are understandably
receiving a high number of calls and other correspondence regarding what members are able or unable to
do in their work.
As stated before, SNH has advised that deer stalking/deer management is non-essential activity
and should not be undertaken in instances where those carrying it out need to travel to do
Earlier this week, we advised members who live and work on their own ground and whose work takes
place in isolated situations to carry out essential work, in line with Government Guidance and in
observance of social distancing measures.
The checking of snares and some traps every 24 hours is a legal requirement in Scotland so all
members should continue to do this or they will be breaking the law.
We have had more specific member requests regarding pest/predator control on and around farms.
We have sought specific guidance on these issues and await further response. However, if any
member has specific queries relating to pest/predator control for farms, please contact our office on
01738 587 515 and we will do what we can to help you.
*Please note that we have one staff member manning office calls at present due
to home working guidance and members are more likely than normal to experience some delays. All our
staff are highly dedicated to serving our community and we are proud of them. Please be patient and they
will return your calls as soon as possible. Normal work hours apply. You can also email using the
usual email addresses.