The Gamekeepers’ Welfare Trust Launching Online Services To Support Gamekeepers’ Wives And Partners


The Gamekeepers’ Welfare Trust (GWT) is launching a new initiative to address the problem of depression and mental health issues in the countryside, exacerbated by Covid 19.

The HIND training course focuses on mental well being and awareness, coping strategies and building resilience. This course has been built and will be delivered by one of our volunteers Sally Thompson who is a mental health professional.

The Gamekeepers’ Welfare Trust is aware of the pressures and difficulties rural families can face through work related issues, ill health (both physical and mental health), financial pressures, isolation and loneliness and that “it is ok not to be ok.”

A key focus is to address these issues in a practical manner, which led to ‘The Stag Training Initiative’ created by The GWT and IED Training Solutions, a company established by several former Royal Marines.  Following on from this success the HIND course is a natural next step. 

CEO Helen Benson said “We know how important it is to ensure families and individuals are supported in difficult times. The partners of gamekeepers are often the lynchpin of the family unit, keeping the family going when times are tough.  Supporting and encouraging anyone who is or could be affected is the aim of the HIND course and providing strategies to cope in addition providing information of further services and contacts if required.”

The course is held online with accompanying notes and support throughout, is free and is held in 7 sessions over 2-3 weeks.  There are six delegates on each course which is held on a confidential platform.  Further details or booking can be made by telephone 01677 470180 or email:


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