Statement: Poisoned Sea Eagle, Donside.


Statement from The Scottish Gamekeepers Association (SGA) on the press release issued today from Police Scotland regarding a poisoned Sea eagle, Donside.
Scottish Gamekeepers Association Chairman Alex Hogg said: “Given the major progress made in virtually eradicating illegal wildlife poisoning in Scotland, hearing this news is extremely disappointing. The SGA condemns it wholeheartedly.
In 2010, there were 32 wildlife poisonings in Scotland. That was unacceptable. The SGA committed to Scottish Government that we would do all we could to address the issue within our own industry. We delivered on that promise. Today, thankfully, these cases are now extremely rare in this country. 
This incident sets back considerable progress made by stakeholders over the last decade- and more- in addressing poisoning. The SGA fully supported the Scottish Government’s illegal pesticide amnesty in 2015 and continues to educate on this subject.
We acknowledge Sea eagles can pose problems in land management; something which is well documented, but this is absolutely the wrong way to address a conflict. The SGA reiterates its condemnation.”
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